Saturday Jul 30, 2022

Episode 1 Welcome to the PET TAO Holistic Pet Podcast!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first edition of the PET | TAO podcast. I’m Dr. Marc Smith, co-creator of PET | TAO Holistic Pet Products.

I’ve also practiced veterinary medicine for 20 years. I started in veterinary medicine when I was fifteen years old, so I’ve got a lot of experience.

And the PET | podcast, let me tell you what it’s going to do for you. It’s going to give you cutting-edge advice on the old and the new.

The old, like acupuncture, Eastern food therapy, chiropractic, Eastern herbal medicine.

And the new, on the latest and greatest technological advances that we have made over the past 20 years of veterinary medicine.

You see, when I came out and I first started in practice, I thought I knew it all. What I mean by that is, I thought I knew everything that I needed to know about veterinary medicine, to help me practice for the rest of my life.

But, shortly after being in practice for ten years, I learned, “you know what Marc, I don’t know a whole hell of a lot. I’ve got a lot to learn.”

So I went back to school to school to study and to learn Eastern medicine, chiropractic, and a variety of alternative techniques to incorporate those same techniques with the typical practice of Western veterinary medicine.

And because of that, and because of my passion to learn, I’ve been introduced to all different facets of veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, and the best way to teach you and tell you, through this podcast, how to take care of animals.

Now, what is this podcast going to teach you? A couple of things.

Number one: we’re going to teach you how to take care of pets. And we’re going to teach you how to take care of pets from all different angles.

As I mentioned before, I do a lot of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine in my practice.

It’s a wonderful tool, but you’ve got to know how to use it, and you’ve got to know how to use it according to what your client’s expectations are.

Second: we’re going to teach you how to apply a lot of these principles to your life, and how you can use herbal medicine and you can use a lot of the thoughts and the recommendations that I make on this podcast to apply to yourself, to make you happier, you healthier, make you feel better, and ultimately to make you live longer and be healthy.

And lastly: I’m going to tell you a lot about my experiences in veterinary medicine, different people I’ve met, different things I’ve done, different treatments I’ve tried, different failures, and different things that I’ve done to make a big impact on people’s lives.

I love being a veterinarian.

It’s my life’s calling. I do it every single day.

I try to impact people everyday; I try to impact their pets every single day.

I love it and I want to share it with people. And that is what my goal is with the PET | TAO podcast.

One thing you can do to start is download our free e-book on Eastern Food Therapy on Again, it’s And you can learn all about the cool world of Eastern Food Therapy.

It’s really fascinating to me how these ancient Eastern people applied these principles to foods, and how these foods would impact the body after they were eaten.

So grab the e-book and start learning about Eastern Food Therapy.

Meanwhile, thank you for listening to our first episode of the podcast.

We will do this weekly, we have a lot of cool stuff coming for you and you’ll learn a lot, you’ll enjoy it. And you’ll have a healthier self, and I can guarantee you a healthier pet.

Thank you again.

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